An awareness campaign on the risks of Sleepiness

An awareness campaign on the risks of Sleepiness | Bioprojet | Paris
It is still too often the case that patients treated for sleep apnea syndrome do not consult their doctor or are slow to take these measures. In order to avoid the risks involved and to remind them of the importance of consulting their doctor, the Alliance Apnées du Sommeil is launching an information campaign, with the support of the Bioprojet laboratory.

Raising awareness of residual daytime sleepiness

The objective of this awareness campaign is to sensitize patients treated for sleep apnea syndrome and who complain of residual daytime sleepiness. Seeing a doctor regularly would allow them to improve their tailored care and their quality of life.

Dr. Marc Sapène, president of Alliance Apnées du Sommeil indicates: “It is essential that people affected by sleep apnea consult their doctor at the first signs: excessive fatigue, falling asleep in the middle of the day… These are disorders that generate major and multiple risks, especially on the road. Treating them is a public health issue.

An awareness campaign with the support of Bioprojet

It is therefore to avoid delays in consultation and the risks incurred by patients with sleep apnea that the Alliance Apnées du Sommeil launched an information campaign in January 2023, with the support of the Bioprojet laboratory.

This campaign is aimed at patients treated for sleep apnea syndrome to make them aware of the risks associated with residual daytime sleepiness.

Sleep apnea: recognizing the signs of residual daytime sleepiness

In this awareness campaign, you will discover Cyril, a 54 year old man suffering from sleep apnea, under a CPAP treatment. However, despite his treatment, Cyril continues to fall asleep in various situations: at work, in front of his computer or during meetings, when he accompanies his daughter to an activity, in transport and, more worryingly, while driving…

The goal here is to encourage patients and caregivers to be aware of the risks and to take into account the slightest sign of daytime sleepiness. To do this, it is recommended that they do not drive and that they consult a physician without delay. The doctor will be able to assess the possible causes of sleepiness, and then will be able to propose, if necessary, new solutions adapted to the residual sleepiness that resists to the OSA treatment.

This campaign, supported by the Bioprojet laboratory, includes a spot broadcast online, posters displayed in doctors’ waiting rooms and a patient booklet available to all in the waiting room.